Monday, April 30, 2012

The Mindscape of Alan Moore 2005 UK

Maybe the best comic book writer ever. He talks about growing up in a poor environment, the comics and his view of the world. 
Very much a man of ideas. Watch this video if you like comics or just to hear a very interesting and inspiring world view.
The cynical me kept thinking: 'Yeah right, that's never going to work' or 'The way people are at their core really seems to escape him'. While my romantic, hopeful side cheered at what he said and took it as an inspiration to work harder at producing more meaningful art and through this maybe a better world. Schizo? Me? Nah.

Recommended books by Alan Moore:
Promethea (which is very much about the ideas Moore talks about towards the end of the film.
From Hell (Don't watch the movie!)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Just don't watch the movie!)
Lost Girls
Alan Moore storyteller


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